Tuesday 18 July 2006

Review: Bourbon Stout

Bourbon Stout from District ChopHouse & Brewery
Rating: B+

Appearance: pitch black, nice head with exceptional retention, but little lacing.

Smell: vanilla, wood and booze. Smells nice, expectations are high.

Taste: Vanilla and spiced rum are the dominant flavors, alcohol warming is up there too, surprising considering how low in alcohol this actually is. Most of the flavor, unfortunately, seems to be coming from the wood aging instead of the malt or hops, which limits this beer's potential.

Mouthfeel: Surprisingly thin! Shockingly so, actually. Lightly carbonated, but smooth.

Drinkability: they're serving it "cool" rather than "cold" - unfortunately, when you're served a full pint that means it's room-temperature by the time you get down to the bottom third of your glass. It's good, but a pint serving is way too much. No matter how good it is, how much chocolate cake can you possibly eat? Same with this beer.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-18-2006 03:55:59

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