Saturday 1 July 2006

Review: Venom

Venom from DuClaw Brewing Company
Rating: B

Served in a pint glass at the Arundel Mills location. Amused to see that they served Venom (the hoppiest beer they have at the moment) in an "Old Flame" pint glass that reads "At least the beer isn't bitter."

Appearance: orange tinted amber, no head by the time it got to me at the table, unfortunately, and only a small amount of lacing as I drank.
Smell is of piney, citrusy hops with not a whole lot underneath.

Taste: again, lots of hops. Kind of resinous character. I bet these were high AA hops... A quick check on the website shows it was Columbus and Cascade, I assume Columbus for bittering and Cascade for flavor/aroma. Flavor is a touch one-dimensional, I wish there was some more malt character here - some biscuit malt, perhaps.
Mouthfeel is pretty much what you'd expect from the style. Light-medium mouthfeel, finishes dry.
Drinkability is good. Not complicated, but it's flavorful and finishes dry.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-01-2006 15:32:55

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