Tuesday 25 July 2006

Review: He'Brew Genesis Ale

He'Brew Genesis Ale from Shmaltz Brewing Company (He'Brew)
Rating: B

Appearance: Amber copper color, clear, good head and very nice lacing. a fine looking beer.

Smell: sweet malt dominant, but with a firm backbone of hops

Taste: Interesting cross between an american amber and an american pale ale. sweet malts in the forefront, but with enough citrusy hops to stand on their own. If I had to choose between one and the other, I'd probably put it more in the American amber category than the APA.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, but light enough to session. fine finish and aftertaste, although the taste is on the sweeter side, it doesn't become wearing.

Drinkability: High! the brewer calls this a "craft session beer" and I think the description fits.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-25-2006 02:11:26

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