Sunday 23 July 2006

Review: Euphoria

Euphoria from DuClaw Brewing Company
Rating: B

Appearance: dark brown/caramel in the glass, small head, decent retention, some lacing. looks like cola in the glass.

Smell: malt, and toffee are the dominant aromas.

Taste: again, much of the same, toffee being the standout. butterscotch and coffee are also present, and the whole effect is somewhat reminiscent of cola, especially in the finish. Bitterness is mild, no hint of alcohol

Mouthfeel: very smooth, but seems more carbonated than it needs to be. the carbonation reinforced the impression of cola I got when I was drinking this, and that's not what I wanted to taste.

Drinkability: enjoyable flavor but light mouthfeel, without being sweet, made this a pretty drinkable brew.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-23-2006 16:20:27

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