Tuesday 11 July 2006

Review: Sierra Nevada Porter

Sierra Nevada Porter from Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Rating: B+

Appearance: A rather rough pour yielded a one finger tan head with some nice retention sitting atop a very dark brown, opaque body. Very nice lacing.

Smell: Chocolate and roast are the dominant aromas. Smells like the over-hopped homebrewed stout I have in the secondary right now. Perhaps a touch of dark fruit.

Taste: Starts out surprisingly sweet, finishes on a dry hoppy note, and the aftertaste is all roast malt. Kind of acidic vinous character in there, too, as well as some mild chocolate.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, smooth. Good carbonation for the style.

Drinkability: Flavor complexity of a stout, drinkability of a porter. A very drinkable beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 07-11-2006 01:03:23

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