Wednesday, 5 July 2006

Review: La Fin Du Monde

La Fin Du Monde from Unibroue
Rating: A-

Poured with a big white head, over a golden honey body, fairly clear. Some lacing down my glass.
Aroma: That familiar Belgian yeast scent, with some candi sweetness and some spice.

Taste: Yum. Citrus and yeast fruitiness at the front. Sweet, but not cloying. Hops gives some spiciness. Finishes on a yeasty, dry alcohol note. A lot of reviews mention that the alcohol is well-hidden, but I'd have to disagree - I can definitely taste it, and there's alcohol warming as you swallow.

Mouthfeel: Fairly light mouthfeel, very carbonated, very smooth.

Drinkability: the only thing that detracts from the drinkability of this beer is the alcohol presence in the taste - you can taste it, and so you're conscious of how much alcohol you're consuming. Very good beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 07-05-2006 03:01:54

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